Wednesday, June 09, 2010

No Time to Post...

Really way too busy to be posting right now so I'm not really blogging, just putting up some pics of my kids for fun.


little sheep said...

love them!

Chaya's Mother said...

KA"H!!! YUM! Both are getting really big, your maidelah especially! Been a long time since I've seen them, if I come in from 'out of town' I'll let you know! The first shot is 'awww', the second one is 'sweet', then 'OMG', 'hysterical' and 'delicious'!! Lots of Nachas!

HELP! said...

I would say they are adorable, but that would be lying since i cant see anything. All i see is a big box with a small x in a box in it, in the place were the picture is suppose to be. (I can see the below pictures from purim and Montreal and Santa..just fine. Only the pictures from this post is a problem)Can anyone help me?


Remember.... :P said...

Really cute! Yum

itsagift said...

Yummy pix! :)

Enjoy them! I like the one with the huge crocs. And your son at the kosel-precious!

Bas~Melech said...

OMG you had a chalakah! Mazal tov! Your kids just keep getting more and more delicious, ka"h. :-)

HELP! said...

Not fair, I want to see it too!
Can you paste it on your website bio instead of the old ones so i can also have a chance to see it?


Brochi said...

KA"H! Lots of nachas. Absolutely precious.

HS said...

What are you busy with? Writing another book? I hope so!

J.A.P. said...

I wish HS. I'm editing other people's books.

HS said...

So in addition to being an author you're an editor too. Wow, do you edit your own books too?
Want to edit my draft;-b

J.A.P. said...

Trust me HS, you can't afford me.

But if you submit your draft and get accepted by a publishing company they'll be doing the edits for you anyway.

HS said...

Never mind, I'm not up to anywhere close to finishing my draft. I knew I won't have time all year but now with summer coming up I'm starting to feel a bit optimistic...
So is this another way to make money? Why would someone want to have there manuscript edited privately when the publisher does it anyways?

J.A.P. said...

HS- Academic editing. I edit college papers and rabbinic stuff.

HS said...

Sounds impressive:-B

Chaya's Mother said...

Dear H.S.
My mother happens to be a professional writer/editor. She has worked for major frum publishing companies (editing and book selection). Now she just does private consulting and editing. Lots of famous people send her their manuscripts for editing so that what they turn into the publisher is a polished work. It has a much greater chance of publication if the work submitted is of a higher caliber. Also, there are different styles in editing -it's a lot more than just proof-reading for technical errors. Sometimes sub-plots are changed, added or deleted, and whole sections of the book are re-written. Of course it is up to the individual writer and their preferences as to whether or not to hire a private editor, but a good editor can tell you which publishers would be most likely to accept your work for publication as well. Hatzlocha with your manuscript and I hope it gets published! It's a great accomplishment and achievement.
PS- spelling correction of your word 'there', it should be "have their" (ie:belonging to someone) and the word anyway is without an 's'. No offense meant, lots of luck to you!

HS said...

Just another reason to boost your ego:
I was looking into the Binah Bunch last night and one of the things I read was the kid of the week column, every week they interview a different kid. One of the questions they asked was:
"If you would be able to talk to anyone in the world, living or dead, who would you choose?"
Out of all peaple that ever existed on this world, this is what she answered:
"I would really love to speak to Tzipi Caton author of Miracle Ride, a true account of a young girl who survived cancer."

PRECIOUS said...

the title goes to your kids, and yeah, you too:-D

If the site meter would go up each time I visited your blog...It probably would be up to a google by now...

Anonymous said...

Apparently that award you got is spam.

Anonymous said...

looking through your archives I realized that you posted at least once each month from when you started. Are you gonna let July 2010 go by without even one;-)?

YP said...

Yum!yum!They are absolutely adorable!
Enjoy them and count your blessings!

a fan thats waiting for you to post said...

Things are way too quite for my likings on this blog. Why, its almost 3 months since you posted last! Are you stopping this blog permanently?

Yummy Kids said...

I totally agree with YP and everyone else.
Can I adopt them?

Waiting said...


Impressive said...


75,000 visitors in 4 years, thats a number!

Yummy kids! Can I babysit for you?

Anonymous said...


Yehudis P. said...

Were are you hiding?
C'mon, the game is over!

Can't wait to hear from you again!

Staying Afloat said...

Hello! I wanted to let you know I just put up a post on something I learned from "Invisible Me".

Hope you had a great chag!

H.S. said...

I'm getting kind of bored checking up every few minutes (NOT KIDDING) and seeing the same post every time. You don't want me to dislike your kids, but if they're the first thing i see every time i open your blog for months in a row, I soon will. As of now they're still ADORABLE!

Anony said...

I'm giving up on you...

Can you tell me when you will be posting next so I can check it out then?

Anonymous said...

Even if your crazy busy ... can you just answer one question, when are you gonna post next? ( or are you planning to stop this blog?) Please let us know!!!!!

itsagift said...

Anon-you sound like someone who has some spare time on her hands. Why don't you start a blog of your own?

Then you can keep yourself busy with your own blog instead of checking this one for new posts!!

Sara said...

Dear Tzipi (or J.A.C.P, whichever you prefer),

I read your book a little while ago, and have been reading a lot of posts. I've already read why you can't re-post the old archives, but maybe, sometime in the future.....=)
You are an amazing writer. I'm not that old (seriously), but I can recognize talent when I see it, and you certainly have it. You let me into your world, no holds barred, and you don't even know me. You showed me.....words can't describe what I want to convey.
I also recently read your other book, "Invisible Me".

Sara said...

It made a big impact on me. Baruch Hashem, I am not a selective mute (ask anyone who knows me, I won't be quiet!), but other aspects of Dini...resounded with me. I'm used to getting the slack, being blamed for everything, getting everything dumped on me. Everything has nothing yet everything to do with me. It's not easy. You wanted to make an impact and you did. Thank you.

Curious said...

Are you the one sponsering the jackpot for the RCCS auction?

J.A.P. said...

To Curious:

curious said...

Good to hear your 'voice' even though it's not a post! Now waiting for the real stuff which I hope will be coming shortly...

Wondering said...

Please let me know, should I continue checking your blog or you're not planning to post anything anymore?

Also Wondering said...

So am I. It's a pity cause from all blogs I read, this is the only one I actually stuck to. You can answer with a yes or no. Yes as in, yes I plan to continue posting, or no for... nah, i hope your answer won't be no anyway.

HELP said...

Yay! After all these months of waiting my patience finally paid off. This morning I opened your blog, and presto! your adorable children smiled back at me! each picture is amazing and beautiful and yummy and breathtaking... for itself.

Does your son wear a 'Kashketl' for real or only for the picture? I thought that Viznitz and Belz are the only ones who wear it, and Belz has it without the piece in front so you must be Viznitz:-)

J.A.P. said...

Actually HELP- we are Belz. the kashketlach ALL have a piece in the front- there is no difference between the vizhnitz and Belzer versions.

and yes, he wears his every Shabbos.

Help said...

Well, I'm not that familiar with Belz, because we are Viznitz. In the beginnig my brothers would wear it every shabbos but as they got older they refused because no one was wearing them anymore. By now they even stopped wearing it on special occasions and my mother didn't even buy on for my 4 year old brother when he turned 3, Although she loves how it looks on the small boys. your son looks absolutely precious in it, and with the yummy curly payos... my brother's payos is straight. We are affraid to purm it since its so thin, so my mother just cut it short.

J.A.P. said...

Funnily enough, in Belz its more popular than ever. Even the bigger boys are wearing it during the week instead of hats.

(Part of some takana becuase boys were ruining their hats during the week and parents couldn't afford to keep buying new ones and kashketlach are cheaper to keep replacing...)

Help said...

Funny because in my opinion kashketlech are easier to ruin than soft hats, except of course if your talking about boys over their Bar Mitzvah. In that case it's even more weird, i never saw that yet, is it really that common in Brooklyn, or is it something they do in Isreal? I know that in Viznitz, kashketlech ARE more common in Isreal than here.

Wondering said...

Your kids are adorable, though I assume they changed a bit already being that you posted these pictures nearly half a year ago.
Are you out of post ideas?

J.A.P. said...

Wondering I am not out of post ideas. Not by far.

I am just deliberating whether this blog is worth keeping open.

I have suffered a very personal negative experience due to this blog. A few immature readers are to blame for my lack of recent posts.

It's taking a long time for me to deicde if I want to go back to posting and to therefore open myself up again to go through what I did with those readers.

I cannot and choose not to go into details but only ask for a little more patience while I sort things out for myself.

Wondering said...

Thanks for the explanation. I figured you were thinking of discontinuing this blog. I quess I'll be checking back to look out for posts. I hope you decide to keep this blog open. It must be hard to become a public figure (sort of), but as you can see from the comments, this blog obviously means a lot to many people. It definitely does for me.

HELP said...

In regard to your response to wondering;

Hatzlacha, and hope to hear from you soon!

ME said...

We also have a boy and girl these ages at home, (although they are the 2 youngest) and they happen to look alike to your kids! Maybe were related or something...

HS said...

'me', Course your related; your grandmothers used to hang laundry under the same sun;-)

Tzipi, can't wait to hear from you again shortly!

Anonymous said...

I love Dassy's big beautiful eyes, they're gorgeous! Were does she get that from?

Also Wondering said...

Can you give us a clue as to how long the 'sorting things out for yourself' will take?
No offense meant, its just easier to wait for something when you know when it will be coming.
