I get asked a lot if certain of the crazier parts of Miracle Ride are real- other than real proof you're just going to have to take my word for most of it, but look what I just dug up! (and yes I know it's a few weeks late...)
P.S.- only about two more weeks to send in your reviews on Invisible Me! Targum's contest runs until January 31 2010. Send 'em to my email address- twinklebrite AT yahoo.com
I can be contacted at twinklebrite@yahoo.com This is a blog of the journal I kept when I was a 16 year old teen with cancer.
It sat in my drawer collecting dust for a long time until I decided that it was important to get my story out there.
Whether the reader is here for inspiration, support, a laugh, a good cry, curiosity, or by accident, I'm glad to be of service.
I learned from this challenge that Hashem put before me and do not regret going through it. I will never know His reasoning, but that's not my job.
My job is to put myself out there and be there for anyone who needs chizuk. My job is to show the world that cancer can be a part of someone's every day living without taking over their life. My job is to show that there is a life after cancer as well.
That was then. I am now.
So if you feel that reading my blog/book has made a difference to you, then my journal has already more than served its purpose.